Celebrating the 106th anniversary of the establishment of Lien Thanh company and the 2012 Labor Conference

The celebration was held solemnly and warmly at 243 Ben Van Don, District 4. This was also an opportunity for Lien Thanh Company to express gratitude to the founders.

Attending the Celebration were the Board of Directors, the President of the Trade Union, the Secretary of the Party Committee, the Secretary of the Youth Union, the media report, and more than 150 employees working at Lien Thanh Company.

Pictures of the guests
Pictures of the guests

Established in 1906, after 106 years of development, Lien Thanh Seafood Processing Joint Stock Company has initially affirmed its strong position as a major brand in the Vietnamese market.
During the event, Ms. Ngo Thi Hoang Mai, the Deputy Director of Lien Thanh Seafood Processing Joint Stock Company, expressed that the journey of “106 Years – A Journey” may not have been long, but it held significant meaning and laid the foundation for the later growth and development of Lien Thanh. In addition, Ms. Mai also reviewed the Company’s historical traditions to help employees recall and took a fun quiz about the history of the company together.

Photo: Ms. Mai - Deputy Director is reviewing historical traditions
Photo: Ms. Mai – Deputy Director is reviewing historical traditions

Along with reviewing historical traditions, Lien Thanh company also organized the day: “Humanitarian blood donation” This was also one of the meaningful humanitarian activities regularly organized. Employees and Youth Union members responded and participated actively. Some of them participated many times.

Employees. The staff at Lien Thanh were very pleased to know that their blood was helping to save lives, and that they were making a positive impact on society by doing so. They felt happy to be able to share this happiness with others and to know that they were doing something meaningful.

With the enthusiastic spirit that took place on June 6, 2012, we could see that Lien Thanh staff and employees knew the meaning of this blood donation, which was shown through the amount of blood they donated with more than 540 units of blood.

Thereby, it shows that the “Humanitarian Blood Donation” movement has increasingly become a meaningful and noble work, clearly demonstrating noble humanity, the voice of conscience, and human emotions. with people honored by society. Voluntarily donated blood drops will bring life to the less fortunate, bringing faith and hope to human life.

Picture: Employees after donating blood
Picture: Employees after donating blood

Hopefully, through this blood donation day, more and more people and many social sectors will better understand and understand humanitarian blood donation,
Many organizations and organizations participate in humanitarian blood donation and campaign for voluntary blood donation, so that hospitals and patients no longer have to suffer from lack of blood for treatment.

Not only that, but on this day, Lien Thanh company also: “Giving gifts to poor people in District 4”. This is a regular activity of the company taking care of poor people in District 4.

Image: Giving gifts to poor people
Image: Giving gifts to poor people

Lien Thanh’s strong developments today are thanks in no small part to the company’s entire team of officers and employees who have united, joined forces, joined forces, and worked together. The staff is young, experienced, loves their job and always knows how to find new, more effective directions to promote the overall development of the company.


Ngọc Anh