History of the foundation of Lien Thanh Fish Sauce brand

114 years ago, June 6, 1906, from the idea of scholar Phan Chau Trinh. Lien Thanh Company was established in Phan Thiet.
Lien Thanh is the
owner and founder of Duc Thanh Phan Thiet School, where teacher Nguyen Tat Thanh used to teach.
And it was also Lien Thanh who contributed to organizing and financially supporting patriot Nguyen Tat Thanh to enter Saigon and go to France.

We immediately see the wisdom of our predecessors in wanting to start the nation’s great economic career with fish sauce. In the Central region, the fields were narrow and the major trade was in the hands of the Chinese and French, so it was almost impossible for us to compete against them. In Phan Thiet sea hamlet, there were abundant reserves of raw materials used to make fish sauce.

The first six founders of the Lien Thanh brand consisted of Confucian intellectuals, Western scholars, mandarins, officials from both Central and Southern Vietnam, as well as comrades who came together with a shared spirit of patriotism. They contributed their resources and efforts to overcome numerous challenges to establish and develop the brand. Lien Thanh has been still sustainable and highly regarded by consumers until today.

The Company’s development through periods:

– 1906 – 1916: Starting a business and expanding coverage areas within Phan Thiet.

-1917: Moved the General Department (headquarters) to the Cho Lon division in Saigon, currently 3-5 Chau Van Liem. This is where Uncle Ho stayed before leaving to find a way to save the country, and has been recognized as a historical relic.

– 1917: While renting a street in Cho Lon, Lien Thanh bought an old house in Vinh Hoi (also called Khanh Hoi, now Ben Van Don) to be a fish sauce warehouse.

– 1922: The total cost in Cho Lon was too heavy, and the rent for the street was very expensive, the Board of Directors decided to build the old house in Vinh Hoi and return the street to Cho Lon, Lien Thanh officially located at 243 Ben Van Don and now is also the headquarters of Lien Thanh Company.

– 1975: After liberation, Lien Thanh Company was assigned 9 more private fish sauce companies by the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City to establish a “Lien Thanh Fish Sauce State-owned Enterprise”.

– 1990: To adapt to the market economy, it was renamed “Lien Thanh Seafood Processing Enterprise”.

– 2001: transformed into a Joint Stock Company until today.

Working to preserve and develop the Lien Thanh fish sauce brand inthe current period under the founders’ principles

Take care and always improve products:

Lien Thanh products always meet the highest food safety and hygiene standards. Lien Thanh Company has for many years passed certificates of ISO 9001:2015, HACCP food safety and hygiene, EU Code (imported into the European market which is a strict market in terms of quality), and HALAL code imported into the market. Muslim Community School, FDA code imported into the US market, HVNCLC title, and the Company is currently developing ISO 14001:2015 on the environment.

Different products:

Vegetarian fish sauce: The product is made from pure pineapple juice. Vegetarian fish sauce that has color and flavor similar to regular fish sauce. While eating, the consumer will experience the delightful aroma of pineapple combined with the fruit’s natural sweetness. The addition of sea salt creates a unique flavor profile that is particularly enjoyable when paired with vegetarian dishes.






Natural fish sauce: The anchovies are of high quality and undergo natural fermentation for 15-18 months in wooden barrels. This process results in an amber-colored fish sauce that is fragrant, rich in savory, and high in protein. The product is free from additives such as preservatives, sweeteners, and food colors. It has no synthetic flavors, making it safe and nutritious for consumers. Users can experience the essence of every drop of fish sauce.