It’s been almost 10 years. I accompanied my company through many roads, markets, and neighborhoods. Every 8-hour day of traveling brings along: drops of fragrant fish sauce crystallized from the minds and hands of countless generations of people who have worked tirelessly on a journey longer than a century. To thoughtfully bring delicious meals to every family in this beloved country.


Every year on June 6th, we celebrate the anniversary of the birth of our brand, “Lien Thanh Fish Sauce”, which was founded on June 6th, 1906. All of our officers and employees gather together under the roof of a house that has been in our family for over a hundred years. We come together to remember, preserve, continue, and develop the traditional culture of our company.


Years ago, I was welcomed into Lien Thanh Company with open doors. As I reflect on my almost 10 years of working here, I acknowledge that my contribution may be small compared to the 100 years of establishment and development of the company. However, I am proud to be an employee of a company where all staff members work with high spirit, devotion, and responsibility. When I reflect on the first days of my job, the first thing that comes to mind is the tremendous support I received from my department leaders, Ms. Chau, Mr. Trung, and Mr. Dung, whom Mr. Thach directly supervises. They always encouraged me, listened to me, and helped me complete my tasks efficiently. A salesperson’s daily work of selling, finding, and opening new customers will not be effective without connecting as a team. My group consists of 8 members. Every week, we gather at a specific location to share our experiences and discuss what we have achieved and what we need to work on to improve our skills. This helps us to identify and address our weak areas, leading to significant results in developing traditional sales channels.

When I first started working at Lien Thanh Fish Sauce Products Company, the packaging was already luxurious and beautiful, but not many consumers knew about our brand. Small traders and business owners were cautious and skeptical about the quality of our product and whether I was actually representing the company as labeled. However, as I became more knowledgeable about each product line and the quality continued to improve, customers began to trust and seek out our fish sauce. Lien Thanh Fish Sauce is now a top brand and a household name. As a token of our appreciation and to promote our brand, we offer discounts and attractive gifts every Sunday morning at two different markets. Our Market Development Department, including myself, has worked hard to build the image and presence of Lien Thanh Fish Sauce in stores and on billboards, making it easy for customers to find and purchase our products. Customers have become like friends to us and we take pride in arranging our fish sauce bottles on beautiful shelves, from high-end to mid-range products.

I am grateful to the company team for providing me with a stable job and life. I would also like to express my appreciation to the customers who have been supporting Water products and Lien Thanh fish sauce. Thank you. On behalf of the company, I hope to serve our customers better.